Chicago x-ray recycling - Film recycling Chicago
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FAQ x-ray recycling
Type of film we recycle
Price paid for x-rays
Silver recovery process
Cities in Illinois we serve



Price paid for used x-rays.

The price for the used / unused, developed, undeveloped film is determined by few factors.

  1. The price for the x-rays is determined per lb of x-ray film.
  2. The type of the film for recycling - There are many types of film with different contents of silver in them. click here for Types of film we recycle.
  3. The silver spot market - The price of film for recycling is also infected by the silver market per Ounce.
  4. The quantity - The quantity of film you have for disposal is also a factor when you would like to sell your x-rays for silver recovery.

If you are located in Chicago or anywhere in Illinois and you have x-rays for recycling and you would like to get a quote, please contact us and we will provide you with all of the information including price quote.

Fill out the information below so we can contact you with the information you need for recycling your x-rays properly.

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